During the summer vacation, Yuen Long District Council Office of H.M. Ho invited students and parents to visit the MTR ‘Station Rail Voyage’ Exhibition.
這個嶄新的鐵路體驗館以「站見」─── 即在車站相見為主題,位於紅磡站內城際直通車區域內,設有三大展區。每個展區均有獨特的主題和內容,融入了歷史、教育和消閒元素,透過豐富多樣的展品和互動、多元感官體驗,讓參觀者從多角度了解鐵路的發展進程並感受鐵路文化,適合家庭成員一起探索和拍照留念。
Under the theme of "See you at the station", this brand-new railway experience centre is located in the Intercity Through Train Area of Hung Hom Station and features three major exhibition areas. Each zone has its own unique theme and content, incorporating historical, educational and leisure elements. Through a wide variety of exhibits and interactive, multi-sensory experiences, visitors can learn about the development of railways and experience the railway culture from different perspectives, which is suitable for families to explore and take photos together.
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