School Album
Sharing Session on the Progress on Chinese Reading and Writing of Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students and Learning and Teaching

Our school is a multicultural learning community. We are committed to adopting appropriate strategies in terms of curriculum, teaching methods and assessments. We hope that students of different races can receive high-quality teaching and achieve ‘everyone can learn and everyone can become a talent.’


Our school is honoured to have received an invitation from the Education Bureau to attend a sharing session on the Progress on Chinese Reading and Writing of Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students and Learning and Teaching Strategies, and the Use of the Additional Funding to Support their Learning of Chinese.


Principal Tsang and Ms Tsui shared with the attendees how to effectively utilise additional funding to enhance support for non-Chinese speaking students in learning Chinese, as well as how to design curriculum and conduct assessments using a second language learning framework. It can be seen that our school has achieved remarkable results in supporting the learning of non-Chinese speaking students.

