School Activities
Learning-by-Doing Parent Lesson Observation Keeping a Good Mood: Emotion Bottle Making

In the ‘Unique Me’ unit, students will explore and distinguish their different emotions through reading the picture book ‘The Colourful Monster’. They will come to understand that a calm state of mind can make us feel comfortable.


In Monday’s LBD (Learning-by-Doing) class, students collaborated with their classmates to create emotion bottles, experiencing the calmness that these bottles bring. We also invited parents to observe the class at school, allowing them to witness how the classroom stimulates students’ curiosity and guides them to become owners of their own learning journey!


Teaching and Learning for 2030 project is mainly organised by EDiversity, with the generous donations from Swire Trust, Drs. Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation. The Project is a Learning by Doing (LBD) experiential education project which is launched in mainstream local primary schools in Hong Kong.

