School Activities
STEAM Week (Day 4)


STEAM Week (Day 4)


屢敗屢試 精益求精

Persistent attempts though having setbacks, striving for the best




‘Stones from other hills may serve to polish the gem.’

The book of odes and hymns: Minor odes of the kingdom: The crane cries



The meaning of the aforementioned Chinese classic quote is "Take the hard stones from other mountains to carve jade," which implies that we can learn from others' strengths to make up for our own shortcomings.



Today, students need to collaborate with their peers and use environmentally friendly materials to start making different products based on yesterday's ideas. These products include homemade toys, recycled paper products, umbrella water removers, water filters, smart home appliances, and solar-powered eco-friendly vehicles. During the experimentation process, students need to verify their hypotheses before conducting the experiments and make improvements to the products based on the test results. Throughout this process, students are bound to experience setbacks. It is through these experiences that students can understand their shortcomings and learn to accept themselves, appreciate, and respect others.