Extra-curricular Activities
Huaiji Xian Shiyan Xiaoxue Visit to Hong Kong (1)

懷集縣實驗小學交流活動 (一) 
Huaiji Xian Shiyan Xiaoxue Visit to Hong Kong (1)


In the last school year, our school became a sister school with Huaiji Xian Shiyan Xiaoxue. Last week, a delegation of teachers and students visited Mung Yeung and had a valuable exchange between teachers and students of the two schools.


足球友誼賽 Football Match  


Students from both schools competed with each other on the football field, improving their skills and friendship through the game.


無人機足球賽 Drone Football Match  


Mung Yeung students demonstrated their skillful drone control, and students of Huaiji experienced a different kind of football match, experiencing the perfect combination of technology and sports! The competition was fierce and fascinating!


乒乓球賽 Table-tennis Match


The table-tennis team of Huaiji students demonstrated their amazing skills! Besides, the principals of the two schools also demonstrated their sporting talents on the spot!


At the end of the day, students from both sides exchanged gifts and shared their cultural and life experiences with each other. 


‘It's a pleasure to have friends from afar, isn't it? From the Analects of Confucius


We hope that the two schools will organise more exchange activities in the future to build up the friendship between teachers and students of the two places!

