Extra-curricular Activities
Parent-Child Local Wildlife Encounter Experience


Parent-Child Local Wildlife Encounter Experience



Before the holidays, our school invited Ivan gorgor to give P1 and P2 students and their parents an unforgettable animal-friendly experience.


活動配合一年級體驗式自主學習校本課程(Learning By Doing—LBD)「校園繽紛樂」主題,以及二年級常識科「動植物的生長」單元,讓學生透過活動認識動物的習性,以期培養學生尊重及珍惜生命的正面價值觀。

The activity was in line with the theme of ‘Campus Fun’ of the P1 experiential and independent learning school-based curriculum (Learning By Doing-LBD), and the module of ‘Growth of Animals and Plants’ of the P2 General Studies, which allowed students to learn about the habits of animals through the activity, with a view to cultivating the positive values of respecting and cherishing life.


「感 · 創 · 做」全方位價值承傳計劃由教育大同主辦,承蒙太古基金、利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金、周大福慈善基金捐助,在本地主流小學開展Learning by Doing (LBD)體驗式教育項目。

Teaching and Learning for 2030 project is mainly organised by EDiversity, with the generous donations from Swire Trust, Drs. Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation. The Project is a Learning by Doing (LBD) experiential education project which is launched in mainstream local primary schools in Hong Kong.

