Extra-curricular Activities
‘Non-Chinese Speaking Walking to Learn Chinese’ Project Reading and Writring lessons

‘Non-Chinese Speaking Walking to Learn Chinese’ Project Reading and Writring lessons

你知道柑、桔、橙三者有何分別嗎? 我們的非華語學生透過觸摸、試食和寫作段落,學會了如何分辨和介紹他們,多厲害!
Do you know the difference between mandarin, tangerine and orange? Our NCS students learnt how to distinguish and introduce them through touching, tasting and writing paragraphs, how amazing!

The Education Bureau (EDB) has invited our school to participate in the ‘Non-Chinese Speaking Walking to Learn Chinese’ Pilot Project, which aims to enhance students' language proficiency and interest in language learning through reading texts written by local writers based on the Hong Kong community and study tours, allowing students to visit and observe the community, and to make connections with the texts to deepen their understanding of the community.
