Extra-curricular Activities
Little Footsteps Walks into Kam Tin, Children's Hearts Draw Community Maps

小腳丫走進錦田市 童心繪出社區地圖
Little Footsteps Walks into Kam Tin, Children's Hearts Draw Community Maps


Earlier this week, P1 students of Mung Yeung visited the special landmarks in Kam Tin with their curious eyes and warm hearts! From Kat Hing Wai to the story-filled mural village, the children not only learnt about the history and culture of the neighbourhood, but also worked together to create a one-of-a-kind ‘Map of Our Neighbourhood’, observing the details of the street corners and extending the classroom to the community.


They also observed the details of the street corners and extended the classroom to the community. They appreciated that the students were self-disciplined and took the initiative to greet the neighbours during the activity, demonstrating the characteristics of the Mung Yeung students who are well-behaved and courteous.


「感 · 創 · 做」全方位價值承傳計劃由教育大同主辦,承蒙太古基金、利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金、周大福慈善基金捐助,在本地主流小學開展Learning by Doing (LBD)體驗式教育項目。
Teaching and Learning for 2030 project is mainly organised by EDiversity, with the generous donations from Swire Trust, Drs. Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation. The Project is a Learning by Doing (LBD) experiential education project which is launched in mainstream local primary schools in Hong Kong.

