Good News about SSPA



Today is a big day for P6 students because of the release of Secondary School Places Allocation results. It marks the end of primary school life and the beginning of another stage of their learning journey.


本學年,我們共有8位學生獲派第一派位組別(band 1)中學,94%學生獲派首3志願,高於全港水平!

In this school year, eight students were allocated to the band 1 secondary schools. 94% of our students were allocated in the first three choices of the secondary schools which was higher than the level of territory wide in Hong Kong.



We hope that our P6 students will keep this Chinese Classic Phrase in mind「學如不及,猶恐失之。」which means "If you don't learn enough, you are afraid of losing it."

Be willing to learn and progress,

With strong determination to succeed