創設Blue-Bot地圖 建構關愛社區

P2 students are now engaged in a series of fun and interesting cross-curricular activities in Mathematics and General Studies.

They first went on a community study tour, taking the school as the centre point, observing and recording the facilities they saw along the way, and recording the surrounding facilities on their tablets.

Afterwards, students will design a Blue-Bot map based on the findings of the field trip, paste the facility cards onto the map, and sketch the appearance of the facilities.

Finally, students will use the Blue-Bot operation skills learnt in the computer class to complete a series of family-friendly tasks using the Blue-Bot to consolidate their orientation and understanding of the Kam Tin community.

We would like to thank the staff of Fung Kai Liu Yun Sum Memorial School for their teaching support and we look forward to seeing the rich learning outcomes of the students.
