傑出非華語學生獎勵計劃 2024

學生莫茂軒、韋思瑪、鍾世康、韋意莉、莫麗莎及阮恩妮獲得由香港社區網絡 LINK Centre 舉辦「傑出非華語學生獎勵計劃 2024」優異證書。
P.1A Abid Mohib, P.2A Resma Phoebe Grace Matibag, P.3A Mohamed Siraj Omar Shah, P.4A Pesma Elyse Daine, P.5A Humaira Ayub and P.6A Nguyen Quynh Anh received a  Certificate of Merit in the "Outstanding Ethnic Minority Student Award Scheme 2023" organised by the Hong Kong Community Network LINK Centre.


The award scheme is designed to recognize students’ outstanding achievements in their academic performance, conduct, participation in ECA and social services.


Non-Chinese speaking students may encounter many challenges in studying in Hong Kong. It is hoped that this award scheme can enhance the motivation of non-Chinese speaking students in learning and integrating into society, and encourage ethnic minorities in Hong Kong to face challenges with a positive attitude.

