蒙養正向之星 (英文)

蒙養正向之星 (11月)
Stars of Positive Education in Mung Yeung (Nov)
In November, Mathematics teachers have nominated students for awards according to the themes of positive value at all levels to strengthen students' positive behaviour. The list of winners is as follows:
1A 林日堂 Lam Yat Tong(守法Obedience )
2A 徐鉦淳 Chui Ching Shun(責任感 Responsibility)
3A 簡逸謙 Khan Muhammad Ali(關愛 Caring)
4A 黃舜嵩 Huang Shunsong(同理心 Empathy)
5A 郭嘉揚 Guo Ka Yeung(尊重 Respect)
6A 付子弋 Fu Seven(堅毅 Perseverance)
Congratulations to the above Positive Stars!