賽馬會Project Mix多元化運動計劃----板球

Cricket is a team sport played by two teams, each consisting of 11 players. The playing field is oval-shaped with a rectangular area in the middle called the pitch. One team acts as the batting team, also known as the ‘offensive team’,  while the other team acts as the defensive team, known as the ‘bowling team’.


The objective of the batting team is to hit the ball and score runs by running along the ‘runways’ at both ends of the pitch. The goal of the bowling team is to get the batsmen out or restrict their scoring.


Cricket is a sport that combines strength, skill, intelligence, and teamwork.


本校參與由香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心舉辦賽馬會Project Mix多元化運動計劃 ,期望能透過新興運動,提升學生肢體協調、執行技巧以及專注力。
Our school participated in the Jockey Club Project Mix, a diverse sports program organised by the H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre. Through this emerging sport, we aim to enhance students' physical coordination, execution skills, and concentration.


#賽馬會Project Mix多元化運動計劃  