

早前,三年級同學透過VR技術穿越時光,抵達年的香港文化遺產⸺ Heritage (前香港水警總部)!這是一趟令人驚艷的旅程!
Earlier, P students travelled back in time to the year of  with  Heritage (former Marine Police Headquarters) through VR technology. It was an amazing journey!

Putting on the VR glasses, the students were instantly immersed in the ancient and elegant building. The gorgeous stone pillars are carved with delicate patterns, and every detail shows the cultural atmosphere of that era! 

這趟虛擬之旅讓同學更深入地認識 Heritage的歷史價值和文化傳承。這個地方是香港法定古蹟,是香港的驕傲,也是我們珍貴的文化寶藏! 
This virtual tour allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the historical value and cultural heritage of  Heritage. This place is a declared monument in Hong Kong, the pride of Hong Kong and our precious cultural treasure! 

強烈推薦各位戴上VR眼鏡,親身體驗這段令人難忘的時光旅程!你一定會被 Heritage的魅力深深吸引着!
We highly recommend you to put on your VR glasses and experience this unforgettable journey through time! You will be captivated by the charm of  Heritage! 

