踏足漁米之鄉   探索嶺南文化


Teachers and students visited the Zumiao, the Ancestral Temple in Foshan, where they learnt about the life of Master Wong Fei Hung and watched a lion dance performance.


The students were impressed by the way the lions poked their heads around and tried to cross the "cliff", while at other times they paced around and allowed the audience to touch their foreheads.


除了精彩的武術及舞獅表演,順德美食亦叫人回味。嫩滑的柱侯雞、惹味的椒鹽大蝦、香脆的炸鮮奶、熱呼呼的雙皮奶......「吃在廣東,廚出鳯城」這句俗話果然名不虛傳 !
Apart from the spectacular martial arts and lion dance performances, the Shunde cuisine was also memorable. Tender chicken, flavourful prawns with salt and pepper, crispy fried milk and hot ‘double-skinned milk’ ... The saying "Eat in Guangdong, cook in Fung Shing" is true!


The two-day and one-night Mainland Sister Schools Exchange Tour came to an end amidst laughter, and we look forward to more opportunities to visit the Mainland in the future so that more students can learn about the history and culture of our motherland.

