

擁抱挑戰   奮發前行

Embrace challenges and forge ahead



Mung Yeung resumed P.6 Graduation Camp. The graduation camp, which was held at Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp in Yuen Long, lasted for three days and two nights. Through different activities, P.6 students are expected to discover their strengths in character and cultivate positive values such as perseverance, respect, caring, and a sense of responsibility. They are also expected to get well prepared for secondary school studies.



Dear all P.6 students, we hope that this graduation camp will create good memories for you and we also hope that our students will have enough courage to embrace the challenges faced in secondary schools.



Please remember: No matter how the road ahead is unimpeded or full of thorns, Mung Yeung is always behind YOU and supports YOU. We are happy to listen to you whenever you are blissful or miserable.



Fly High Bravely! You are not alone!